Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well once again the CLQ had a very productive and encouraging day last Saturday!
Sue emailed me an update of the activities on this day as I was unable to attend.  

Sue said ...
In attendance were Mary R., Corrie, Kirsty, Dorothy, and Jocelyn. Ena stopped in for a quick visit and contributed during her brief visit!  Corrie hosted the day and brought a most delicious Coffee Cake that she made in a Bundt Cake form - it was awesome.

5 Quilt tops were almost completed by the end of the day - each of the ladies taking one home to complete. Jocelyn, Sue, Mary and Linda H have each taken co-ordinating scraps for 4 more. Their target date for completion of the first 5 is by the "One Block Wonder Weekend" however no worries if they're later - it is all good!

Ryan Jensen  (newspaper reporter) would like to do a newspaper article on the baby quilts when they're done. It was our thought that if most of them are completed by then that we would give him a call and have him stop in for a photo shoot & article on Saturday May 10th..

Although the "Baby Quilt Day / Quilt War", became a "let's work together & get these done," we did shout a couple of insults at each other (or at least Mary R. did) to make it "War Like"! (too few people to really get the competition raging!

Thanks to all the ladies who were able to attend, and make the day eventful! I for one am looking forward to seeing the completed projects! They will be inspiring I am sure!

So until May 9th, 10th. and 11th.  remember ...."A Creative Mess is Better Than Tidy Idleness!"

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